

Korat is a Thai breed of domestic cats that is surrounded by many traditions. They have beautiful blue fur and olive-colored eyes.

Brief information

  • Breed name: Korat
  • Country of origin: Thailand
  • Time of origin of the breed: before 1700
  • Weight: 2 – 4.5 k
  • Life expectancy: 12 – 15 years

Korat is a breed of domestic cats of small size, with gray-blue fur, playful and attached to people. Very jealous; excellent parents; one of the few pure breeds, that is, not artificially bred by man. They are similar in size and color to the Russian blue cat, but the cats' fur is rather single than double, and the eye color is olive green. Cats of this breed are both characterized by a demanding and persistent character and large expressive eyes that give an innocent expression to the muzzle. Cats of the Korat breed are considered a symbol of good luck and symbolize wealth.

Breed characteristics

Activity ?
Average ( Rating 3/5)
Affectionate ?
Affectionate ( Rating 4/5)
Molt ?
Minimum ( Rating 1/5)
Need for care ?
Minimum ( Rating 1/5)
Health ?
Good ( Rating 4/5)
Sociability ?
Average ( Rating 3/5)
Playfulness ?
Very playful ( Rating 5/5)
Friendliness ?
Friendly ( Rating 4/5)
Intelligence ?
Smart ( Rating 4/5)
*The characteristics of the Korat breed are based on the assessment of experts amitypuppies.net and reviews of cat owners.


Korat is a very ancient breed from Thailand, named after one of the provinces of this country. Thais consider korat sacred, do not sell or buy it, but only give it.

Many stories, beliefs, and customs are connected with it.

The cat of happiness — this is how korat is called at home. Often, a female and a male korat are presented as a gift to the newlyweds: Thais believe that they will bring happiness to the newlyweds' house.

The rite, which calls for rain, is not complete without the participation of this cat. During it, monks with bark on their hands go around the houses of all residents of the community. It is believed that the family whose land the cat irrigates will not suffer losses due to drought. To do this, you need to meet the cat as friendly as possible.

The image of korat in Thailand can be found at every step — so great is the importance of this breed in the eyes of the inhabitants of the country and their strong belief that korat really brings happiness. By the way, among the exhibits in the National Museum there is a manuscript of the XIX century, which lists the breeds of cats that bring happiness and misfortune. Korat is there in the list of cats that bring happiness and good luck.

The first mentions of the korat are attributed by some sources to the XIV century, others to the XVIII, but in any case it is clear that the breed is ancient. And thanks to the striking similarity with distant wild ancestors from the jungle, which has not been lost for many years, the korat is one of the purest breeds.

Cats of the modern breed came to the American continent in 1959, and already in 1966 it was registered by the ASA and CFA. In Europe, or rather in Britain, korats appeared in 1972, were recognized by the International Federation in 1982. It is clear that the vast majority of cats of this breed are in the USA, and they are impeccable, since in this state there are very high and uncompromising requirements regarding obtaining pedigrees for korats. Also, breeding of the breed is practiced in countries such as Canada, Britain, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa. But the total number of individuals is not too large, it is one of the rarest breeds in the world.


  • Color: solid silver-blue.
  • Tail: small, medium length, strong, with a rounded tip.
  • Eyes: large, round, slightly convex, green or amber-green.
  • Coat: short, thin, shiny, no undercoat, "fractures" can be observed on the back when moving.

Features of behavior

These are affectionate, gentle, simply charming cats, sincerely love their owners, sad when separated from them. They demonstrate their love and devotion every day. They are smart enough, they are interested in everything: nothing will escape their attention. Active, but not very mobile. Contact, they love society, they are funny, most of all they need the attention of their beloved owners, they love to climb on their knees and enjoy caresses.

Talkative, and they know how to choose the right intonation and convey the meaning to the listener. Those who have been lucky enough to keep a korat at home say that speech is not always important — everything is written on the korat's muzzle, you can always guess what the cat wants to tell you.

Sociable korats hardly tolerate loneliness, so extremely busy people should not have cats of this breed.

Health and Care

The coat of the korat does not need careful care — it is short, has no undercoat, does not get tangled, so one combing per week is enough for the perfect condition of the coat.

Nature has given korat quite good health. However, a cat can get sick with a deadly disease — atelosteogenesis of the first and second types, the occurrence of which is associated with genetic mutations. However, if the gene is inherited from only one parent, cats survive, but become carriers of the defective gene.

Puberty does not come soon for korat — at the age of five.

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