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Kanikvantel for cats

Caniquantel for cats

Having settled in the body, worms do not immediately indicate their presence. Gradually, the cat's immunity decreases, appetite disappears, the coat fades and falls out, dermatoses develop. Symptoms of helminthiasis in a pet appear when the number of parasites reaches significant numbers. In order to prevent their mass reproduction, it is necessary to influence both adult individuals and larval stages. Only some drugs can cope with such a task, including – Kanikvantel plus (Caniquantel Plus) and its variety – Kanikvantel Plus XL (Caniquantel Plus XL).

Composition and form of drug release

Kanikvantel plus

Kanikvantel plus is produced in tablet and gel–like form, and plus XL - only in the form of tablets. Both products contain two active ingredients: praziquantel and fenbendazole. In one tablet of the drug "plus" their content is 50 and 500 mg, respectively, and in "plus XL" 100 and 1000 mg, that is twice as much. 1 ml of the gel contains 10 mg of praziquantel and 100 mg of fenbendazole.

The usual drug is packaged in 6, 24, 120 tablets in one package, and XL – in 12 and 60 pieces. Both can be purchased individually. The gel-like medicine is packed in a syringe equipped with a dispenser. All preparations contain flavoring flavors – fish or meat, which makes it possible to take into account the preference of each mustachioed pet.

How does Kanikvantel work

Kanikvantel plus and plus XL have a detrimental effect on parasites at any stage of development, and at the same time are not dangerous for the animal itself. After entering the digestive tract of the pet, the active substances quickly penetrate the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, destroying not only worms in the intestines, but also other types of parasites.

Praziquantel acts on the carbohydrate metabolism of worms, leading to a complete shutdown of their nervous system and muscle paralysis. Fenbendazole disrupts the exchange of energy, also contributing to the paralysis of the helminth. Under the action of Kanikvantel, the death of parasites occurs in a matter of minutes. Dead worms are excreted together with feces in a dilapidated form.

The drug can also be used for the prevention of parasitic infestations. Active ingredients contribute to the destruction of the shells of worm larvae and eggs. In the absence of helminths in the cat, the remedy does not have any effect, but leaves the pet's body during urination for the next two days.

Kanikvantel plus gel

When to give Kanikvantel to a cat

Kanikvantel from worms for cats is given for the following helminthiasis:

  • diphyllobothriosis;
  • toxocarosis;
  • echinococcosis;
  • mesocestodosis;
  • trichocephalosis;
  • toxascariasis;
  • hookworm and many others.

A wide range of indications and the possibility of use for therapeutic and preventive purposes are one of the reasons for the popularity of Kanikvantel for cats.

How to give Kanikvantel to cats: dosages, regimens and treatment features

The table below shows the dosages of Kanikvantel drugs in accordance with the instructions for use.

Pet Weight (kg)
Kanikvantel Plus (table)
Kanikvantel Plus XL (Table)
Kanikvantel Plus (gel)
0.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight
0.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight
0.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight
0.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight

It should be noted that the calculation of Kanikvantel plus is made based on the ratio of 1 tablet per 10 kg of cat body weight, and Kanikvantel plus XL is 1 tablet per 20 kg. This is due to the fact that the drug can also be used to treat dogs, and with large animal sizes, it is not very convenient to give several tablets.

Kanikvantel Plus XL

To prevent parasitic infestations, you need to give the medicine once a quarter, and to get rid of worms, the drug is repeated two weeks later, and then given every three months.

There are several ways to give a cat medicine:

  • grind the tablet to a powdery state, pour it into the mouth;
  • dissolve the powder in a small amount of water and pour it into the pet's mouth with a syringe;
  • mix the powder with the food (there should be a little food so that the cat is guaranteed to eat it);
  • give the drug using a pill dispenser.

Treatment with the gel form of Kanikvantel is simpler: it is enough to measure the right amount of medicine on the dispenser in accordance with the body weight of the animal and squeeze it into the mouth.

Which animals should not be given Kanikvantel

Contraindications of the drug Kanikvantel include:

  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy;
  • kittens up to 21 days old.

Newborn babies should not be given medicine, as it will have a disastrous effect not only on the tissues of helminths, but also on the immature body of the kitten. The result may be a lag in development, a weakening of the immune system, an allergic reaction, increased side effects. There are special preparations for kittens, which can be found out from a veterinarian.

Can there be side effects

According to the text of the instructions, adverse reactions do not occur with the correct use of the drug from Kanikvantel worms. As a rule, in some (especially advanced cases), specialists even prescribe slightly inflated doses of the drug. The conducted studies confirm the safety of this approach.

However, it is not uncommon for cat owners to observe the following symptoms in pets after treatment:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • drooling;
  • refusal of food.

These phenomena are closely related to the intoxication of the animal's body by dying parasites. The mass death of worms leads to their decomposition in the intestine and the release of toxins, which results in the deterioration of the well-being of the mustachioed patient. The condition can be relieved with the help of enterosorbents, antispasmodics (papaverine) and / or antiemetics (cerucal). If the intoxication is severe, vomiting and intestinal disorder do not stop, you should contact the clinic for infusion measures.

How Kaniquantel interacts with other medications

In no case should you give your cat several medications at the same time without consulting a veterinarian. Only a specialist can establish the possibility of a combination of drugs. For example, it is not recommended to combine the intake of Kaniquantel and piperazine, since the effect of treatment will be reduced.

In addition, in some cases, taking an anthelmintic agent and a drug belonging to another group is indicated. If helminthiasis has led to serious damage to tissues in the body, the pet may be prescribed Kanikvantel and an antibacterial agent or a medicine for worms together with symptomatic treatment.

Advantages of Kanikvantel

Popularity and positive feedback from users and specialists about the medicine for cats from worms Kanikvantel are based on the following advantages:

  • safety for a pet even with a slight excess of dosage;
  • ease of use and dosage calculation (there is a dividing strip on the tablet, and a measuring scale on the syringe);
  • wide range of indications;
  • destruction of worms of all stages of development;
  • no side effects;
  • availability of fish and meat flavors;
  • the possibility of choosing the form of the drug;
  • detailed, clear instructions;
  • reasonable price.

Security measures

During the treatment of a cat with Kanikvantel, it is recommended to take measures for personal safety:

  • before working with the medicine, you should wear medical gloves;
  • if the drug gets on the skin, in the eyes, nose, mouth, you need to rinse them with enough water;
  • if you have an allergy, you should take an antihistamine;
  • in a situation where the medicine has got inside the body, you need to consult a doctor (take the instructions for the remedy with you);
  • after pet treatment, the packaging can be thrown into the usual garbage and wash your hands with soap solution.

So that the cat does not get sick with helminthiasis again, it should be treated with a tray, dishes and resting places with disinfectants or boiled.

Where to buy and how much does Kanikvantel for cats cost

You can buy Kanikvantel for cats from helminths in veterinary pharmacies or via the Internet. The cost of the drug varies, depending on its quantity in the package, the region of sales, the trade margin. The average price per unit (one syringe or one tablet) is:

  • Kanikvantel plus (Table) – 70 rubles;
  • Kanikvantel plus XL (table) – 140 rubles;
  • Kanikvantel plus (gel) – 180 rubles.

How to store medicine

Kanikvantel in any form should be stored in the dark and dry. The temperature range is from 0 to 25 C. It is necessary to ensure that the drug is out of the access zone for children and animals. The shelf life, subject to all conditions, is 4 years from the date of its manufacture. In case of violation of the rules, the medicine is considered unsuitable for use and is subject to disposal regardless of the expiration date.

In what form to use Kanikvantel for the treatment of helminthiasis in cats – the owner decides. Both tablets and gel, judging by the reviews, are perfectly tolerated by pets. The main thing is to consult with a veterinarian before giving the medicine, and in case of severe intoxication, provide first aid.

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