Border Terrier

Border Terrier

Border Terrier is a small breed of hunting dogs from the UK, very active, a wonderful companion for people of all ages.

Brief information

  • Breed name: Border Terrier
  • Country of origin: United Kingdom
  • Time of origin of the breed: mid-XIX century
  • Weight: 5-7 kg
  • Height (height at the withers): 35-40 cm
  • Lifespan: 12-15 years

Border Terrier - a dog with a stiff coat, originally bred for hunting foxes and martens. The border needs long paws to keep up with the horses on the hunt, and a small body is suitable for climbing into burrows. The Border Terrier is recommended for owners who like active walks and will be able to devote a lot of time to the pet. The breed is intelligent and easy to train, gets along well with children.

Breed characteristics

Aggressiveness ?
Moderate ( Rating 3/5)
Activity ?
Very high ( Rating 5/5)
Training ?
Easy ( Rating 4/5)
Molt ?
Low ( Rating 2/5)
Need for care ?
Low ( Rating 2/5)
Friendliness ?
Friendly ( Rating 4/5)
Health ?
Average ( Rating 3/5)
Cost of maintenance ?
Average ( Rating 3/5)
Attitude to loneliness ?
Moderate time ( Rating 3/5)
Intelligence ?
Smart ( Rating 4/5)
Noise ?
High ( Rating 5/5)
Security qualities ?
Good ( Rating 4/5)
*Characteristics of the Border Terrier breed are based on expert assessment and reviews of dog owners.

Video: Border Terrier

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