Havana Brown

Havana Brown
Other names: havana

Havana brown is the result of crossing a Siamese cat and a domestic black cat. Their main distinguishing features are a delicate chocolate color, a narrow muzzle and large ears.

Brief information

  • Breed Name: Havana Brown
  • Country of Origin: USA , UK
  • Weight: 2.7 – 4.5 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 – 15 years

Havana Brown is a lively, active, playful, sociable and friendly cat breed with an interesting appearance and chocolate color. She is completely devoid of aggression, adapts easily in any room, loves tranquility and comfort. She likes to move vertically. She is peaceful, gentle, very affectionate, adores her master.

Breed characteristics

Activity ?
High ( Rating 4/5)
Affectionate ?
Affectionate ( Rating 4/5)
Molt ?
Moderate ( Rating 3/5)
Need for care ?
Minimum ( Rating 1/5)
Health ?
Good ( Rating 4/5)
Sociability ?
High ( Rating 4/5)
Playfulness ?
Average ( Rating 3/5)
Friendliness ?
Friendly ( Rating 4/5)
Intelligence ?
Smart ( Rating 4/5)
*Characteristics of the Havana Brown breed are based on expert assessment amitypuppies.net and reviews of cat owners.


Havana appeared as a result of crossing in 1950 an ordinary domestic black cat with a Siamese. It has nothing to do with Cuba and Havana, and it got its name for the similarity of color with the color of Havana cigars. The Havana breed is about the same age as the Siamese, and also comes from Thailand. By the way, such breeds as Burmese and Korat also came from the same country.

Among the first cats from Siam to England were individuals of a plain brown color with green-blue eyes. They were positioned as Siamese, took part in the exhibitions of that time and became winners in England in 1888. However, Siamese cats have gained incredible popularity, and interest in their brown counterparts has come to naught. And the Second World War, which rolled over all breeds of cats bred in Europe, made them disappear.

At the beginning of 1950 in the UK, a group of lovers of these cats began joint work on the revival of the breed. The group was called The Havana Group, and later — The Chestnut Brown Group. It was their efforts that created the modern breed of cats Havana.

Crosses of Siamese cats with ordinary black cats gave the result: a new breed was born, the distinctive feature of which was chocolate color. The breed was registered in 1959, however, only in the UK, in the GCCF. Few individuals survived, so Havana had the status of a breed on the verge of extinction. At the end of 1990, only 12 kitties were registered with the CFA, and another 130 did not have documents. Since then, the gene pool has grown significantly, by 2015 the number of nurseries and breeders has more than doubled. Most of the cats of the Havana breed live in the USA and Europe.


  • Eyes: large, oval-shaped, green.
  • Color: solid chocolate, less often – a shade of mahogany.
  • Body: medium-sized, with graceful outlines, graceful. It can be elongated or of medium length.
  • Coat: smooth, glossy, short and medium length.

Features of behavior

Havana is a pretty smart and very curious animal. Cats, as a rule, hide from guests, and Havana, on the contrary, rushes to meet them from all paws, overtaking the whole family. Havana is not only happy to sit quietly on your hands, there are "instances" that need to climb on your shoulders. Especially active pussies will always get in the way, controlling all your actions: this cat needs to know everything, participate in all things.

Havana is playful and sociable, but she is not one of those cats who, if they only stay "on the farm", will make bedlam at home.

Is tied to her family, however, she will not suffer if she stays alone for a long time. In addition, these cats, according to the owners, tolerate travel very well, during which they behave very calmly and obediently, do not get scared.

Interesting feature: Havana often uses tactile contact to communicate. She puts her paws on the owner's leg and begins to meow. So she seeks to attract attention.

Health and Care

The coat is short, so it's enough to comb the havana a couple of times a week.

When breeding this breed, a very strict selection of cats was carried out, as a result, Havana is distinguished by excellent health. For a pet to feel great, you just need to pick up a good cat food.

Regrown claws should be regularly trimmed and ears should be taken care of.

No genetic diseases that would be characteristic of cats of this breed are yet known. Well, unless they have gingivitis a little more often, inherited from a Siamese cat.

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