Dogs, cats and their owners » Dog Breeds » Canary Great Dane

Canary Great Dane

Canary Dog
Other names: presa canario , dogo canario

The Canary Great Dane is a breed of moloss–like dogs with heightened territorial and sentinel instincts, originated on the islands of the Canary Archipelago.

Brief information

  • Breed name: Canary Great Dane
  • Country of Origin: Spain
  • Weight: males from 50 kg, females from 40 kg
  • Height (height at the withers): males 60-65 cm, females 56-61 cm
  • Life expectancy: 9-11 years


  • From Spanish presa canario translates as "the dog that grabs/strangles".
  • The breed is listed as potentially dangerous in a number of countries and is prohibited for import into Australia, Malaysia and New Zealand.
  • Compared to most fighting dogs, the Canary Dogs have a reduced level of aggression, which does not prevent them from reacting sharply to any threat against humans.
  • Presa canario is a dog of one owner, so even living in a large family, the animal will obey the requirements of someone alone.
  • It is useful to attract the breed to weightpulling, but cardio training, including jogging behind a bicycle, is not its forte.
  • Canary dogs practically do not initiate fights with their fellow tribesmen, but they willingly participate in them.
  • As for any dog with fighting genes, dogo canario will have to bear the burden of responsibility, following strict restrictions on walking and appearing in public places.
  • Canary dogs do not suffer from excessive drooling, characteristic of their relatives – Neapolitan mastiffs, bulldogs and boxers. The exception is when a delicacy appears in front of the animal's nose, for some reason inaccessible to it.
  • The breed still exists in different types that are difficult to fit under the official FCI standard, which complicates the process of choosing a puppy.

Canary Great Dane is a balanced, albeit slightly suspicious brutal, who considers it his mission to protect the tranquility of the family in which he lives. Restrained enough not to rush at everyone he meets, but also not phlegmatic, this moloss-like guardian is always ready for a feat in the name of the owner. In his free time from watchdog activity, Presa Canario is not averse to dropping the burden of worries and playing with the household. Just don't try to raise a baby sitter or a morning newspaper deliverer out of him – in these niches, the Canary Dogs have plenty of more successful competitors.

Breed characteristics

Aggressiveness ?
Moderate ( Rating 3/5)
Activity ?
Average ( Rating 3/5)
Training ?
Difficult ( Rating 2/5)
Molt ?
Low ( Rating 2/5)
Need for care ?
Minimum ( Rating 1/5)
Friendliness ?
Below Average ( Rating 2/5)
Health ?
Below Average ( Rating 2/5)
Cost of maintenance ?
Average ( Rating 3/5)
Attitude to loneliness ?
Moderate time ( Rating 3/5)
Intelligence ?
Standard ( Rating 3/5)
Noise ?
Low ( Rating 2/5)
Security qualities ?
Excellent ( Rating 5/5)
*Characteristics of the Canary Great Dane breed are based on expert assessment and reviews of dog owners.

Video: Canary Great Dane

History of the Canary Great Dane breed

The origin of the breed occurred on the islands of Tenerife and Gran Canaria. It is believed that Mahorero cattle dogs, bred by the Guanche tribes since ancient times, as well as Roman Molossians, which were brought to the Canaries later, participated in the formation of the genotype of animals. For a long time, the presa canario freely bred on the territories of the archipelago, and the main sphere of their activity was the protection of household property and cattle grazing.

In the XV century, the Canaries were appropriated by the Spaniards, partially exterminating, partially sending the indigenous population into captivity. The military conflict also affected the dogs. There was nothing left for the animals to guard on the ruined ashes, so they came up with a new job for them – fighting and baiting wild animals. So, the Canary dogs were retrained into gladiators, who staged public performances, which at first were not particularly cruel.

Aggression and suspicion came to the breed later, when its representatives pumped the gene pool, crossing presa canario with imported ones in Tenerife by English bulldogs and mastiffs . The offspring from these mating had great viciousness and reaction speed, so the Spanish authorities considered the breed dangerous, allowing it to be kept only by butchers. Individuals belonging to owners of other professions were destroyed. The Great Danes continued their fighting career, for the sake of which they were knitted with other four-legged "aggressors" like Staffords and boxers. Subsequently, this led to the loss of the aboriginal exterior by the animals and the stratification into breed types.

Since the second half of the XX century, dog fighting has been banned, and the genus of Canary dogs has declined. Perhaps the breed would have disappeared if Spanish enthusiasts had not taken up its revival. The animals were once again updated with the phenotype, adding genes to it rottweilers , great dane and mastino neapolitano , and in 1982 the Presa Canario National club started working. In 1986, the first exhibitions of Canary dogs started in Spain, in 1989 the breed was standardized, and in 2001 its representatives were officially registered by the FCI.

The standard of the Canary Great Dane breed

Presa canario looks like cane corso with its moloss-like, emphatically brutal appearance. The weight category of the breed is also serious: the right male is obliged to increase at least 50 kg of live weight, while bitches are allowed to stop at 40 kg. There are other external differences in the "girls". For example, female individuals have a more stretched body format. In addition, they are much lower than their partners: only 56-61 cm against 64-68 cm, observed in males. The "wild" tiger suit adds texture and charisma to the breed, as well as small folds of skin on the muzzle, reminiscent of mastiff ancestors.


The strong massive head of the Great Dane has the shape of an elongated cube. The ratio of the length of the skull to the muzzle is approximately 60:40. The skull is moderately convex with distinctly prominent cheekbones, a smoothed occipital protuberance and freely hanging skin. The stop is quite noticeable, but not steep, with a well-defined middle fold. A characteristic feature of the breed is a flat straight muzzle with a wide base, only narrowing slightly near the tip.

Teeth, jaws, lips

When in contact with each other, the lips take the form of an inverted letter V, while the upper lips slightly hang down. The jaws are massive with developed canines, large molars and relatively small front teeth. The standard types of bite are scissor bite and dense bite. A straight jaw lock is acceptable, but undesirable, since it contributes to the erasure of teeth.


The brightly pigmented lobe with large nostrils is stretched in width. The front of the nose protrudes slightly above the dog's lips.


The Great Dane has large or medium–sized eyes with a harmonious fit - that is, not on the rollout, but also not deeply located. The eyeballs cover dense, brightly pigmented eyelids. The classic color of the iris is from chestnut to dark brown.


The ears hanging freely on the sides of the skull are far apart from each other. The ear cloth itself is small, closely adjacent to the head and, when folded, resembles a rose petal. Often the ears are stopped, in which case the organ takes the correct standing position.


The neck of the Great Dane resembles a cylinder with well-developed muscles and a small suspension in the front.


The body of a purebred individual should be massive, strong and exceed in length the height of the animal at the withers by at least 18-20%. The back is straight, but with a slight rise between the croup zone and the withers. The croup of the Great Dane is developed, and this part of the body looks more massive in bitches. A mandatory requirement of the breed standard is a wide chest with strongly arched ribs and a slightly selected belly line.


Canary Great Danes have muscular parallel limbs that provide an elastic long step in movement. The shoulders of the breed are placed at the correct angle, the elbows are not turned to the sides, the pasterns are massive with a slight bend. When viewed from behind and from the sides, the animal's thighs look elongated and muscular, and the hock joints look low. All four paws with tightly compressed rounded toes and firm black pads, and the front paws are shorter than the hind ones. The claws are necessarily black.


The tail of the Great Dane has an average fit, it is very massive at the base and narrowed at the tip. In a calm dog, the tail is lowered downwards, but does not reach the hocks; in an excited dog, it takes a saber–shaped shape, rises in the direction of the back, but never twists.


Formally, the "Canaries" do not have an undercoat, but in practice it is really found in the cervical and gluteal areas. The covering hair is short, smooth and hard. The longer coat is on the hips and withers, the shortest is on the outside of the ears.


The traditional suits of the breed are all types of tiger: from light gray to warm shades. Additionally, the standard permits the breeding of deer and sand-colored individuals. There is a black mask on the muzzle of the Great Dane. In addition, there may be contrasting white markings on the neck and toes, the presence of which is undesirable.

Disadvantages and disqualifying vices

The ideal show pet should fit into the parameters set by the standard on all points. If the dog has noticeable defects in appearance, such as general fragility of appearance, atypical skull shape and disturbed proportions, this will greatly affect the exhibition evaluation. As for the ban on exposure, the Canary Great Dane can get it, having the following defects of appearance:

  • heterochromia or too bright eyes;
  • white marks on wool in places not specified by the standard;
  • undershot;
  • no black mask;
  • depigmented skin of lips, eyelids and lobes;
  • keeled breast shape;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • the croup part is below the withers.

Individuals with docked tails, as well as those with atypical behavior, are not allowed to exhibitions and breeding. Usually these are unnecessarily cowardly or aggressive animals that are difficult to control in the ring.

Character of the Great Dane

Presa canario are no longer gladiators or game hunters, but their territorial instinct is still strong. That is why it is better to get a Canary Great Dane when there is a need for a defender and a sensitive watchman. In everyday life, tiger "jocks" are quite balanced and calm, but they do not fall out of reality, preferring to keep the situation under control. Hence, distrust of strangers and suspicion of anyone who tries to get in close contact with the owner. In relations with fellow tribesmen, Canary dogs are reasonable and restrained, but exactly until the first provocation. As soon as the intensity of passions reaches its peak, it is impossible to stop the dog.

An attack without warning is not in the rules of presa canario, so if the animal growled, stood up and showed its fangs, it signals that it's time to immediately retreat. Running from the natives of Tenerife is not recommended in principle, unless you want to provoke the dog to more drastic measures. Great Dane dogs have peaceful and trusting relationships with children. The formidable "bodygard" can afford a lot for kids, so if you see a dog sledding children, this is not a staged show, but quite an ordinary phenomenon for a family in which a dog and children trust each other. However, it is not necessary to rely on the patience of the animal recklessly: for all their love of children, Canary dogs are not included in the top four-legged nannies on which you can leave the kids.

The breed does not compete with other pets for spheres of influence, especially if these same pets are inferior to Great Dane in size. Acquiring a presa canario puppy, it is not necessary to evict cats and dogs of decorative breeds from the house. Living side by side, the animals gradually get used to each other and do not conflict. Canary dogs prefer to find out who is in charge in the house, so if you plan to become the owner of two males or bitches, get ready for friction between the wards. In everyday life, the descendants of the Roman Molossians are unpretentious, in the absence of the owner's desire to communicate, they easily merge with the interior. Another distinctive feature of the breed's character is a slight stubbornness, which you just need to accept.

Education training

The Canary Great Dane is a dog for which early socialization is important. No matter what the inhabitants say about the bloodthirstiness of the breed, in 9 cases out of 10 it is due to the incorrect integration of the animal into the home and street environment. All the work of teaching the puppy to the sounds, smells and surprises of the surrounding world falls on the shoulders of the owner, as well as responsibility for the behavior of the pet. So get ready to work hard before you get a well-mannered and unflappable guardian, and not an explosive aggressor who creates problems with others and the law.

Inexperienced owners mistakenly understand by socialization the ability of the Great Dane to join the dog team, as well as the upbringing of the habit of not being afraid of harsh sounds, public transport and other external stimuli. As a result: on the very first walks, the puppy is trying to "make friends" with fellow tribesmen resting nearby, instead of independently explaining the basic truths to the baby. Remember, in the first months of life, a person remains a mentor and parent for a dog, not relatives. It is with the owner that the baby should walk and obey him.

Attempts to replace the authority of the owner with the participation of other family members in the educational process are not counted. The teacher must be one person, otherwise the Great Dane will quickly realize that there is no leader in the house, and will extract his own benefit from the situation. By the way, about the dominant traits of the breed: they manifest themselves extremely vividly in adolescence, although, having matured, the "canary" no, no, and will try to present himself as a superman. In this regard, the dog will have to be regularly reminded that he is not the center of the universe.

Don't forget that a dog should never enter and leave an apartment ahead of a person. Attempts to grumble and bite when the owner takes away the toy should be stopped immediately (take it away, but do not shout or beat the puppy). Do not let your pet lie on the bed, and also prevent your access to any of the rooms of the house. Without stopping such behavior, you equalize the animal with yourself in rights, which encourages him to further disobedience.

Canary dogs are trained according to the same methods as all leader dogs. Even a novice owner is able to work out basic commands like "Sit!", "Walk!", "Place!", because the breed has excellent memory and intelligence. To ensure the safety of others and the opportunity to appear with a dog in public places, it is enough to take courses of UGS and OKD. If a sports career is planned for the "Canarian", it is worth going to the training grounds with him. Dogs engaged in sports should work on automatism and instantly execute commands.

Important: you can use the Great Dane in sports disciplines no earlier than the animal turns one year old. Like most large breeds, the Presa canario does not have very strong joints, so too early loads negatively affect their health.

If desired, you can also try complex training, which allows you to form the skills of obedience and protection of the owner of the Canary Great Dane. The ideal option is to allow yourself and the puppy individual lessons with a dog handler. A professional will quickly determine the psychotype of a pet, select methods of managing it and give useful advice on suitable training methods.

Maintenance and care

Since the Canary Great Danes come from a tropical climate, it is difficult for them to put up with the Russian weather realities. For this reason, dog handlers recommend keeping the breed in houses and apartments, allowing relocation to an aviary or courtyard for the summer period. Otherwise, the natives of Tenerife are undemanding pets, which are enough to be provided with a separate couch, bowls for eating and drinking and a couple of toys. By and large, the dog does not need the rest of the "belongings". The only caveat: take into account the dimensions of the breed and pick up larger toys so that the animal does not have the opportunity to swallow them. It is better to throw away spoiled and bitten objects of fun of the Canary Great Dane without regret. If the tiger "athlete" managed to gut the toy, there is a risk that he will be able to swallow a piece of plastic or rubber, and this leads to unpleasant consequences and standing in queues at the veterinary office.


The Great Dane of Canary is not as pronounced brachycephalic as, for example, english bulldog , which does not prevent him from suffering from excessive heat. In the summer heat, you need to walk with your pet less, transferring the promenades to early morning and late evening. Despite the fact that the presa canario is not included in the Russian list of potentially dangerous breeds, it is recommended to take the dog to public places on a leash and in a muzzle, and individuals who have passed the obedience standards flawlessly are also required to wear "equipment". Harnesses with weights, which are sometimes recommended for walking large breeds, in the case of "Canaries" it is better not to use. The descendants of the Roman Molossians are already heavy dogs, they don't need an extra load on their joints and spine.

Free walking is possible in a private fenced area, as well as in deserted places, for example, in vacant lots or in the woods. Foresight is also important. Sometimes collisions with ill-mannered wards of other dog owners lead not only to conflict between owners, but also to injuries of pets. If you see a screeching decorative fluffy or an aggressive "Caucasian" walking nearby, move away with your pet. Canary dogs almost never provoke a fight, but they do not intend to give in to presumptuous tribesmen.


It is not difficult to take care of the short coat of the Great Dane: dogs are washed once every 3-6 months, and twice a week they are passed over the wool with a brush or a rubber mitten to collect dead hairs and massage the skin. Formally, the breed lacks an undercoat, but in practice it is often present on the neck and hips of the dog, so it is better to strip these zones periodically, that is, to pluck the dead down layer manually.

The haircut of the breed is not regulated by the standard, but in the USA it is customary to cut the "Canaries". Basically, these manipulations are performed with show individuals: a haircut helps to emphasize the ideal areas of the figure, distracting the attention of the evaluation commission from less "successful" parts of the body. Buying dog cosmetics like conditioners and sprays for wool is also relevant for owners of exhibition dogs. But if there is a desire to give the pet's "costume" more shine, without spending extra money, a solution of table vinegar, vodka and water will perfectly cope with the task. It is enough to moisten a cloth in it and hold it over the wool.

Once a week, it is worth taking time to examine the dog's ears. If contamination or excess sulfur is found inside the funnel, they should be removed with a clean cloth soaked in phytolosion, or with ear drops. The eyes should be examined daily, wiping them a couple of times a week with a cloth moistened with a strong tea infusion or a decoction of chamomile. In addition, every month the Great Dane needs to shorten its claws, which is more convenient to do with a claw cutter for large breeds.

Brushing teeth is also among the mandatory procedures that will have to be organized at least twice a week. If you do not risk brushing the teeth of a Great Dane yourself, buy sprays and gels for the oral cavity. It is enough to partially apply them to the teeth of the animal – then, mixing with saliva, the funds are distributed independently in the mouth. Purchased solid treats and natural tomato juice clean the plaque well.


The main source of protein in the diet of the Great Dane should be lean, stringy meat with a large amount of cartilage tissue. A couple of times a week, it is useful to replace the meat part with frozen fish fillets or offal (liver, kidneys, heart, lungs), not forgetting to increase the portion size due to the reduced nutritional value of the listed products. By the way, in order to satisfy the appetite of such a large dog as the Great Dane, it is better to cook porridge with meat – buckwheat, oatmeal, rice.

Milk is not allowed for adult "Canarians" – it is not absorbed by the body. But buttermilk, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese are allowed to be given. Poultry meat is suitable for puppies and teenagers, as it is rich in amino acids. But in this case it is important to know that the dog is completely healthy, because there are diseases in which any bird is contraindicated. Additionally, breeders recommend introducing dietary supplements with chondroitin and glucosamine into the feed of young individuals, which helps to avoid joint problems that often occur in adolescent Great danes.

Chicken eggs and algae are also sources of useful trace elements and vitamins. It is mandatory to include vegetables in the menu of the Canary Great Dane. For example, cabbage and beets must undergo heat treatment, but carrot chips are allowed to be given raw. You can diversify the dog's diet with fresh berries and rye bread crackers. It is easy to satisfy the body's need for fats with creamy and unrefined vegetable oil, but it is important not to overdo it so as not to cause stomach upset.

It will be necessary to determine which dry food is suitable for the Great Dane by the selection method, so mistakes and blunders in this matter are inevitable. If you don't want to experiment on a four–legged friend, try leaving it on the "drying" that the breeder who sold you the dog bought - sometimes this method works. And of course, do not skimp on an animal by choosing budget brands. Not only do cheap feeds contain almost no meat, they also provoke digestive and kidney problems.

Health and diseases of Canary dogs

The most common disease of Canary Dogs is hip and elbow dysplasia. The disease is inherited from parents, so early diagnosis of manufacturers is an important nuance that should not be overlooked. Sometimes representatives of the breed are diagnosed with Wobbler syndrome, epilepsy and multi-focal retinopathy, but this does not happen as often as in the case of dysplasia. Another important feature of presa canario is the tendency to inversion of the intestines and stomach. Usually the reason for this is over-feeding, as well as non-compliance with the regime (walking and sports training immediately after eating). Otherwise, Canary dogs are quite healthy and strong creatures, with careful care, living no less than other large breeds, that is, up to 10-12 years.

How to choose a puppy

  • Make sure that the litter producers have been successfully tested for genetic dysplasia of the joints.
  • Try to get as much information about the puppy's ancestors from the seller as possible. Do not forget that Canary dogs continue to exist in different breed types, differing both in appearance and temperament.
  • Among breeders, the offspring of Spanish and Polish lines are especially appreciated, so if you are offered a puppy from "Poles" or "Spaniards" – this is a big plus.
  • Because it is easy for an inexperienced owner to confuse a Great Dane with cane Corso , it is better to go with a breed specialist for the first acquaintance with a puppy and a seller.
  • If possible, get to know all the animals from the litter and test them for courage – are they afraid of the presence of a stranger, how they react to harsh sounds. Give preference to moderately brave, inquisitive, but not aggressive kids.
  • Ask the breeder to show the breeding bitch. It is from the parent that puppies often inherit character traits and habits.

The price of a Great Dane

The breed is considered rare not only in Russia, but also in the world, hence the impressive price tag for purebred puppies and difficulties in finding a reliable kennel. As an example: presa canario from American breeders will cost 2000-4000 dollars. In the CIS kennels, prices are more modest, so you can buy a healthy Great Dane puppy from sellers from Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus on average for $400 – $800.

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